Monday, January 2, 2012

Interview with the Parish Priest

Us: Can you state your full name please, Msgr?

Msgr: My name is Msgr. Benedicto S. Aquino

Us: How old are you?

Msgr: i'm 60 years old. I just celebrated my birthday last Dec.27

Us: What are the reasons why you became a priest?

Msgr: call of God

Us: What are your plans and aspirations for the parish?

Msgr: We need full support in planning and in implementing the parish's programs and activities. We aim to 
create awareness among the parishioners of Mary Mother of the Church Parish Community where they belong and serves us a guiding principle in strengthening relationship and encouraging parish involvement. We have to open up ourselves to others and allow others to open up to us ready to accept the positive and even the negative things about others because God created us with other individuals whom He wants us to also know and understand. 

Us: Thank you father

Msgr: Your Welcome! 

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