There are six (6) major religious groups in the parish namely: Commission in Liturgy, Worship & Popular Religiosity, Commission on Basic Ecclesial Communities,Commission on Cathechesis & Religious Education,Commission in Family and Life,Commission on Services for Human Promotion and Commission on Youth.
Commission in Liturgy, Worship & Popular Religiosity (CLWPR)
-Is mandated to make the celebrations of the liturgy (Sacramentals, sacraments, Holy Hour, and Liturgical Year), forms of Piety( way of the cross, novenas, devotions, pilgrimages and religious dances) actively participated by all (the clergy, the lay ministers and the lay faithful).
the following are ministries under this commissions:
Ministry of Lectors and Commentators- the function proper to the readers is to proclaim the reading, from the Sacred Scripture, except the Gospel in the mass and the other liturgical celebrations.
Extraordinary Ministries of Holy Communion- these ministers are entrusted with administering the Holy Eucharist with the utmost care and reverence, with taking communion to the sick that Christ heals, and strengthen them and with giving it is viaticum to the dying that they may feel Christ's mercy and compassion.
The Altar Servers Ministry- they attend to the service of the altar and assist the priest in liturgical celebrations especially in the celebration of the mass.
Music Ministry- they exercise a liturgical function on the assembly as they add beauty and solemnity to the celebration.
Ministry of Greeters, Ushers and Collectors- they are the counterpart of the porters of the past.
The Mother Butler Guild-committed to serve the Lord in the care and beautification of the altar.
Commission on Basic Ecclesial Communities-its vision is to transform our parish into community.
Commission on Cathechesis and Religious Education- is responsible in rendering the following services:
Pre- sacramental catechesis, Sunday 3 fold Nutrition Program, Group preparation of volunteer catechists for neighborhood cathechism, follow up and supervision of neighborhood catechetical instructions.
Commission on Youth-mandated to actively promote projects and programs geared towards our youth experiencing and manifesting the Reign of the Father in their relationship and through their active participation in our activities.
Commission on Family and Life- is mandated to effectively restore the institution of marriage to its original dignity and to realize the tasks of the family in the forming a community of persons, serving life, participating in the development of society and sharing in the life and mission of the church.
Commission on Services for Human Promotion-aims to be the source and a center for networking coordinating and harnessing the multi-level resources of the Diocese for the promotion of human dignity thru integral human development.
COSH has three(3) ministries:
Poverty Alleviation Ministry
Social Service and Development Ministry
Advocacy Ministry
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